
" This work is of mind boggling of which I would reserve for the last to see. I need time to digest the intricacy of his ideas, I shall see through the works of the rest of the exhibitor first and come back to this one...",
- Hijjas Kasturi, 1998.

The "paradigm shift" advocator among the fellows... speaks his mind out and acts his own way out. Serious when it comes to projects but can be as wacky as the rest when it comes to breaking loose on weekends. No money, no talk.... the same way, no peanuts, no talk... that's him... very simple, yet somewhat complicated. Want something eh? No nothing... think of it this way, after all, it's all in a different perspective of looking at things.
- Quinnie Lynn (P&G)

David has a way of driving a point the way a hammer drives a nail. Almost always cooped up in his eclectic world of eccentric future architects who are out to revolutionize the future of architecture and our notions of space and design, he sometimes comes up with brilliant ideas. Too brilliant in fact that a lot would actually find it rather impossible and ludicrous. But "Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds," as Einstein once said. In the long run, the senseless and infinitely assertive nature of David's thoughts might at any time in the future become a discovery that will change the lives of many.

- Alman Dave Quibo Quibo

I first came to know David when he joined the second year studio I conducted. His works are of a remarkably experimental standards of which one cited by the Singaporean Architect Educationists Tay Kheng Soon as the seed for the future. Along he has assisted me in the Architectural club not without its setbacks. I believed given the opportunities, David has the potential to excel beyond his current limitation and I for once am glad to see his work for the profession and industry in the future.

- Wan Burhanuddin Wan Abidin, BFA, BArch(RISD), MIT.